The School Neuropsychology Post-Graduate Certification Program

A competency-based Continuing Education opportunity designed to train school psychologists, licensed educational psychologists, and psychologists to integrate neuropsychological principles into their professional practices.

Course Requirements

This is not a traditional CE workshop where the participant sits for several hours and then automatically receives a certificate of completion. This is a competency-based training program. The course will offer a total of 100 hours of direct instruction and an additional 100 hours of group supervision (200 CE hours). Only full CE credits may be awarded upon the completion of the program.

Participants will also be required to:

  • Attend all online weekend seminars and group supervision sessions.
  • Complete assigned readings.
  • Complete two integrated school-neuropsychological case studies of a school-aged child. The first case is due in Month #5 (January) and the second case is due in Month #8 (April).
  • Complete one integrated school-neuropsychological case study for the final oral exam. The final case study is due in Month #10 (June).
  • Document 500 hours of practical field experience obtained during the course time period.
  • Pass a 200-item multiple-choice exam at the end of the program that covers the knowledge base of the course.
  • Complete all online quizzes.
  • All lecture notes, lecture recordings, review quizzes, and other course resources are posted on a secure student website.

Technology needed for Course Participation

What software and hardware is needed to attend live lectures and view recorded lectures? Personal computer and internet speed that will enable smooth transmission of both audio and video feeds. Webinars and online meetings will be through GoToWebinar and GoToMeeting. Visit GoToMeeting and search for current list hardware and software configurations required by GoTo. What is required to access the lecture handouts?A copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) in order to open PDF formatted handouts and a current copy of Microsoft Word to open DOC or DOCX formatted handouts.

Students that are licensed as school psychologists are considered educators and may qualify for software discounts here: software and hardware is needed to participate in small group clinical supervision?Personal computer and high speed internet that will enable smooth transmission of both audio and video feeds. If the built-in microphone does not provide clear and consistent communication, a headset or external microphone will be required. Students will be required to interact via webcam during group supervision, presentations, and the final exam. Students will need to share their screen during presentations and may need to adjust permissions on their computer to allow microphone access and camera/screen sharing. Instructions for adjusting permissions to allow screen sharing through GoToMeetings is found here.

Who Can Participate

Participants must be:

  • State licensed or certified as a school psychologist, or
  • Nationally Certified as a School Psychologist (NCSP), or
  • Licensed as a Psychologist and have a direct interest in working with school-aged children.

It is preferred, but not required, that participants have at least three years of experience working as a school psychologist.Participants should also have experience assessing children with tests of cognitive abilities, academic achievement, and social-emotional functioning. Participants do not need to hold a Doctorate to take this course.