The School Neuropsychology Post-Graduate Certification Program

A competency-based Continuing Education opportunity designed to train school psychologists, licensed educational psychologists, and psychologists to integrate neuropsychological principles into their professional practices.


Total Cost of training: $6,000
A $500.00 deposit is due to secure a spot in the course. The balance of the course fee is due by August 1. After the $500.00 deposit has been paid, a partial payment plan can be arranged with Dr. Miller to pay off the balance of the course fee by August 1st. In addition to the course fee, students will be responsible for buying required books. There are a limited number of select assessment tools available for checkout but the availability of the assessments is not guaranteed.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

In the event that there is insufficient number of registrants 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the course, the deposits and/or course fees paid will be fully refunded.

If a registrant withdraws from the class after they have paid their $500 deposit, a $25 processing fee will be deducted, and the balance will be refunded.

If a registrant withdraws from the class after they have paid their full course fee using a credit card, and prior to the start of the class, a credit card processing fee of 2.5% will be deducted from the total course fee, and the balance will be returned.

If a registrant withdraws from the class after they have paid their full tuition using a check, and prior to the start of the class, a $25 processing fee will be deducted, and the balance will be refunded.

After the course starts, the tuition fee will not be refundable.

In the event of illness of the instructor, the lecture will be rescheduled or an equally competent replacement will be provided. In the event of technical difficulties beyond the program’s control for a weekend meeting, arrangements will be made to make up the missed session. In the event of a national emergency that requires a delay in offering the course, the course will continue at the appropriate time.

Call To action to check out other Post-Grad information

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