The School Neuropsychology Post-Graduate Certification Program

A competency-based Continuing Education opportunity designed to train school psychologists, licensed educational psychologists, and psychologists to integrate neuropsychological principles into their professional practices.

Ideal District Support

This training will directly benefit the school district or agency that employs the student. Many school districts around the country have encouraged their school psychologists to take this training because they have found that the school neuropsychological evaluations conducted by graduates of the program are thorough and defensible in due process hearings. A district or agency investing in a school psychologist to receive this training may end up saving money in costly litigation. Contracting for private evaluations is expensive and may not yield results that directly translate into educational interventions. The cost of this course is equal to or less than the cost of two private neuropsychological evaluations. Graduates of this certification program will be able to conduct school neuropsychological evaluations within the range of their professional practices and within the limits of their professional practice as defined by state certification and licensing agencies. Participants in the program are encouraged to ask their school districts for financial support to help defray the cost of taking this course (e.g., course fee, textbooks, purchasing testing materials, etc.).

Students will need to have access to the testing instruments that are taught in the course. A limited number of test kits will be available from the test kit library but availability is not guaranteed. Students should encourage their school districts to purchase the following neuropsychological and cognitive abilities tests that will be taught in the course, for example:

  • WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities
  • WJ IV Tests of Oral Language
  • WJ IV Tests of Achievement
  • Bateria IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities
  • Bateria IV Tests of Achievement
  • Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR)
  • Feifer Assessment of Mathematics (FAM)
  • Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW)
  • WISC-V
  • WISC-V Integrated
  • Delis-Kaplan Executive Functions System (D-KEFS)
  • Behavioral Rating Inventory for Executive Functions – Second Edition (BRIEF-2) or other executive function rating scale.
  • Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning – Second Edition (WRAML-3) or Test of Memory And Learning – Second Edition (TOMAL2)
  • Test of Everyday Attention – Second Edition (TEA-Ch2)

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